

俚语 fucking marine

Fucking Marine

1. A person that joined the marines for the wrong reasons.

2. Someone that enlists to have sex with others in the military.

3. A Canadian that will fuck his way through for full U.S. citizenship. Usually has boners for Superman.
I'm going to join the Fucking Marines whether you like it or not, dad.

I'm not gay but my boyfriend is.

fuck the marine corps

when a marine realizes he was punked by the recruiter and signed his or her soul over to an unforgiving bull shit gang whose entire existance survives only by the 500 kilo ton nuclear destruction of the motivation, hopes and dreams of every single junior enlisted until they reach a psychological threshold of "brainwashed"
first guy: "Dude why the hell are we the only ones burning shit every fucking day?"

second guy: "I dunno man, fuck the marine corps!"

Fucks like a Marine

A machine in the sack. Inexhaustible, willing to take on most any challenge, and unafraid of sweat, pain, and possibly even blood & bruises.
"Christ, I'm sore after spending the night at Lisa's. She fucks like a Marine!"

Marine Fuck

While most Marines are genuine, this type goes on a PCS while his wife is pregnant and critically ill and in the ICU. He doesn't tell his subordinates about her condition bc that would lose his position to be a Marine Fuck.

He gets to his new duty station (San Diego in this case) and fucks every girl in his apartment building, his coworkers, and numerous bar whores. Covid happens and wife is unable to travel, making Marine Fuck feel mightier than tho. All the while convincing his wife, who works a full time job, raises their now 4 children, to stay behind bc he is focused on "making rank and going to school."

Wife finds out about husband's affairs after testing positive for STDS.

Marine Fuck tells all his whores he's a poor pitiful single Marine "raising kids". . . . Which are all lies to drop the panties and introduce them to a world of diseases. ✌️
I was married to a Marine Fuck for 12 years before I found out.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:49:17