

俚语 fucking shit, motherfucker!

Fucking shit, motherfucker!

1. Exclamation of frustration most commonly used when unable to accomplish a relativly simple or mundane task.

2. Realization of common knowledge.
I just got home from work, and found my wife fucking some other dude, so I yelled, FUCKING SHIT, MOTHERFUCKER!

Fucking Motherfucking shit dick cunt fuck face

when you get really pissed off at someone and put swear words together to make an insult that doesn't make much sense
dickhead: oi! i slept with your mum last night

you: fucking motherfucking shit dick cunt fuck face!

dickhead: what?

you: never mind

fuck shit bitch motherfucker

When you mess up so bad you say the the first words that come to your head. You may say this when:
1. You spill water on something important.
2. You say ´hi´ to someone you thought was someone else.
3. Your computer dies when you are working on something and it doesn´t save
4. You reread the first sentence and realize there was two thes.
A: *Hits their knee a chair.
A: fuck shit bitch motherfucker.




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