

俚语 fuck /self

fuck /self

Originating from phrase "/self", an abbreviated/ephemistic/censored form of "fuck yourself".

Background: From the Internet, found on message boards, instant messages and chatrooms.

Definition: Vulgar expletive intended to insult offend; literally to copulate with oneself.
Hey Garrison, why don't you go fuck /self?

fuck to self

Like making a 'note to self', would be 'fuck' to self. But more important, and better than saying NOTE to self.
FUCK TO SELF: Bring in the tomatoes.
FUCK TO SELF: Pick up milk for your stupid gay room-mates
FUCK TO SELF: Choke then fall down a hill.

self fuck

when a man inserts his penis in to his own ass.
Person 1: "i cummed in my own ass last night"
Person 2: "how'd you manage that?"
Person 1: " i learned how to self fuck"

fuck your self

Why the fuck are you even here and type this in urbandictionary anyway? I mean i can go fuck my self right now if you wont stop reading and yes, Welcome to the Internet( you're a bitch btw).
Person 1 - hey do you have a life?
Person 2 -Guys, just go Fuck your self


If you search for this then are basically self-fucked
She told me to go to her house to play with her pussy. But instead she plays with her pussycat. Self-Fucked myself didn't I?
(Based on a true story, Seriously.)


To self-fuck:

When one takes a definitive action that in turn, becomes detrimental or overall unfavorable for them. Basically, to do something stupid that only affects you.

Also (in certain cases), see douchebaggery or Back Door Braggart .
1.) "Dude, did you hear that John broke up with Ashley?" "Yeah man, and I saw his new girlfriend... that was a huge self-fuck on his part..."

2.) "AGH, I stayed up until 4am doing this paper for English, and I left it in my printer! I cannot believe I just self-fucked my grade."

3.) "Yeah, I heard that Neil was just nerdjacking the whole time on his date. Total self-fuckery."

go fuck you're self

1) Under the influence of bad grammar and mild retardation.
2) The misinterpretation of the more common phrase "go fuck yourself".
3) aftercrash.
aftercrash: Smitty, go fuck you're self.
Old Smitty: PWNED




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