when you fluctuate sexual positions, from ok, to great, then back to ok again, usually within the span of about 5 minutes.
Man, i'm getting tired of the old positions, you wanna fucktuate tonight?
When you or someone else fucks up a situation.
Shawna had a fucktuation when she banged her knee on the counter.
to fluctuate between sexual partners
She tends to fucktuate between 4 or 5 people a month.
Similar to the word fluctuate, except in a sexual matter. Meaning when your performance in the bed is not as good one night as the last. When your performance fluctuates.
Girl: You were terrible last night!
Guy: I know, I fucktuated from the night before.
Girl 2: I can account for that!
Guy: I know, I fucktuated from the night before.
Girl 2: I can account for that!
A variant on the word "fluctuation", commonly used in the world of economics to identify irregular/varying market movements. However, this term is used specifically in reference to sexual targets of one's liking. In other words, "fucktuation," defines the irregular change in taste of men and/or women when put into a sexual connotation.
1) "Yea, seems like Clinton has taken a liking towards younger girls now."
"I dunno man...he used to date older women, maybe he's going through a fucktuation."
2) "Yo bro, should I go for the younger or older chick tonight? I can't decide dude..."
" Make up your fucking mind and stop fucking fucktuating."
"I dunno man...he used to date older women, maybe he's going through a fucktuation."
2) "Yo bro, should I go for the younger or older chick tonight? I can't decide dude..."
" Make up your fucking mind and stop fucking fucktuating."
sleeping around a lot. Getting around
fuck + fluctuating
fuck + fluctuating
She slept with him, him, him and him, all in 2 days
Man! Shes been fucktuating!
Man! Shes been fucktuating!
A sudden change in fuckery mood.
This was such a Fucktuation thing to say