Fuck wit it
"fuck wit it" is most often used when your about to do something hard or challenging.
"Bet you can't make a half court shot"
"fuck wit it"
"fuck wit it"
A fuck-wit is a individual with absolute no wits or intelligence and tries to come off smart when really they are just a fuck wit
.....Dude you don't know shit you're such a fuck-wit
Fuck Wit
Something resembling idiocy...only a wee bit nastier
"Fucking hell Baz you fuck wit"
"You are one 1st class fuck wit"
"You are one 1st class fuck wit"
fucks wit
to associate with,to agree with
Yo, I fucks wit that Madden '08!
fuck wit
Person of low intelligence, retard
You are such a fuck wit!!
fucks wit
down with, or cool with.
Yo I see what Wiz Khalifa doin for the Burgh. I fucks wit him.
A person who professes superior self knowledge but really has only a limited and/or skewed grasp of any subject. These people often float from the bottom of the turd bowl in the form of a middle manager. Fuck-wit detection is fairly easy after about 30 seconds of conversation.
Me: "The problem is the third party vendor for product A, they are recalling their product from this particulat LOT"
Fuck-wit: "Well we are not buying from product A any more"
Me: "Um, well it is not their fault, their vendor is recalling the component"
Fuck-wit, "I can't understand the bad business practices of Product A that they would buy bad components"
Me: "Um, they did not buy bad components on purpose, that is why they are replacing the component for free"
Fuck-wit: "Well we are not buying from product A any more"
Me: "Um, well it is not their fault, their vendor is recalling the component"
Fuck-wit, "I can't understand the bad business practices of Product A that they would buy bad components"
Me: "Um, they did not buy bad components on purpose, that is why they are replacing the component for free"