

俚语 fuck you suck dick

fuck you suck dick

-something a teenage girl yells at you when she knows she is in the wrong
-something said when your pissed but can't find the words to express it

and when repeated in a story to coworkers everyone just looks a round and says what the fuck

-can also be shortened to FUSD (which sounds like some weird std)
on the sidewalk outside small shops:
Sales Woman: Excuse me but I know what you did and that was very immature of you even if you won't admit it!!
Stupid Girl: (turns around and screams) Fuck You Suck Dick!!!!!

Fuck you and suck my dick!

A useful proverb for ending any kind of relationship, usually the workplace but can be any social situations. Almost always involves two people but could apply to a group.

While it may imply that you want to fuck the other person and have them suck your penis, its real meaning is that you want them to go away.
"You are a really nice person and such a good employee."

- Fuck you and suck my dick!

We'd like to invite you to our Christian fellowship meeting.

- Fuck you and suck my dick!

I'm the President of the United States. You're just a lightweight!

- Fuck you and suck my dick!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:48:04