

俚语 fuck you then

Fuck You Then

What most men or Women say when pissed off being Denied sex, food, drink, spirits, toys, electronics, a voice, ect., ...
You: I just want your biggins and pie!

Me: Lets practice together instead. I could use some musical insperation and so could you. People do not have to get O' natural' to do so J.

You: Well, Fuck You then.

Me: K, your choice. TTYl

Fuck you fuck you fuck you

A desperate mating call.
Fuck you fuck you fuck you

Fuck You

Fuck You
Fuck You

Fuck You

A very polite way to introduce yourself, greet someone, or say goodbye. Teachers love it but often raise their voice for some reason
“Fuck you Mr. Johnson when is our quiz?”

fuck you

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fuck you

Fuck You

A term used to say you strongly hate or dislike someone. You mostly say it to someone you are upset with, or someone you hate.
Tony: Jordon should stop helping with the project he is messing everything up.
Jack: ya, I don't like that guy
Jordon:Fuck you! Tony and you too Jack!

fuck you in

Going to tuck your girlfriend/wife/significant other in for bed but getting turned on and banging her instead.
Girl 1: "I was really tired last night and my boyfriend carried me up to bed to tuck me in but got a boner and ended up banging me!"
Girl 2: "Oh my god! Did he fuck you in?"
Girl 1: "Yeah! And he gave me an Armenian Noodle Dip !"




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