FuFu Location
A FuFu area is typically a trendy, professional, urban area of reasonably high net worth where people have disposable income and enjoy going out to local independent restaurants, spending money on massages, pedicures, manicures, high end beauty products (equally men and women), accupuncture, body stretching, other progressive and new age health therapies. They enjoy organic independent food stores, farmers markets, they hang out or work from laptops in coffee shops. In FuFu areas you will find many independent retail stores and boutquies, lots of vintage (re-purposing) shops, an abundance of unique cafes/coffee shops including pet cafes. it is a good area if you are a dog-walker, there's plenty of business. There is an abundance of new-age gyms and alternative options in FuFu areas with new businesses springing up consistently. Property is expensive. The term FuFu was coined in San Francisco. FuFu Areas include San Francisco, Boston, New York, Paris, Barcelona, Notting Hill, Bayswater, Hampstead Village. Think of yuppie but without the pretence, far cooler than "Yuppies". FuFus are people who live in a FuFu area. True FuFu's aren't into labels just for the sake of "show". They are chilled and don't show their wealth. You often find them in fitted jeans and t/shirt.
Charlotte Gainsberg moved to a FuFu Location after being out in the sticks for too much of her life. She now enjoys spending time with friends in local coffee shops, swapping clothes in vintage shops and eating out locally as there's a big choice of diverse tiny little restaurants, some sitting just 10 people. She loves it! She's even bought a little dog which loves her garden apartment.