

俚语 full bowl

full bowling

When a bunch of people take a crap in a toilet when the owner isn't home. So it's filled to the brim with crap.
Honey, why is the toilet full of shit?

Jimmy and his friends must have been full bowling again!

Bowl full of awkward

Generally used to describe that awkward moment that went past the line, WAY past the line. And it is most likely coming from THAT guy whose not in your group of friends.
James: Last night Sally and I just sat back and watched movies.
Bobby: Did she give you a good ole rusty trombone last night?
James: Well---
(out of nowhere) THAT guy: Oh man, last night I gave this hooker a one two punch and then a cleveland steamer. OH YEA!!
Bobby: Well that was a bowl full of awkward...

Bowl Full of Easy Noodles

When saying something is "a bowl full of easy noodles" is to say something can be completed with the most minimal amount of effort possible. it typically deserves a staples button click "that was easy" after completion.
Daym, your girl is a bowl full of easy noodles!

Go eat a bowl full of dicks

A prison term used to tell your cell mate to Fuck Off.
Hey Fuck Stick, Go Eat A Bowl Full Of Dicks.

Full bowl mold

When creame of wheat or oat meal sits in a bowl for too long, and becomes molded to the bowl. When you finally take the product out of the bowl, you should have one solid mold of the bowl that you put it in.
Jason didn't eat his oat meal for several hours, and while cleaning his dishes he stumbled upon a full bowl mold. He threw it at Brandon as a practical joke.

Full Bowl Circle

A Full Bowl Circle is when you heave such an amazing colon snake it wraps itself around the toilet bowl at least one time.
Isaac just sent me a pic of his latest full bowl circle. You know that boy’s fiber intake is top notch!

full bowl

Feces, urine, vomit, snot, tears, sperm and or menstrual blood/vaginal discharge, in an un-flushed toilet.
Don't go in there, that bathroom has a full bowl.




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