

俚语 anal combustion

Anal Combustion

Any form of explosion just inside the anus. Could be the result of inserting and igniting gasoline or gunpowder, attempting to light a fart, or that Mexican food from yesterday. Depending on the strength of the sphincter, severe anal combustion may result in blowing out the anal socket or rupturing of the rectum.
I had pretty bad anal combustion after that spicy 15 bean soup--it almost blew out my sphincter!

Anal Combustion

When a women shuves a buttery dildo into her anus, she contracts her but muscles so the the butter oozes out. This is tipicly stereotyped to fat or obese women. An extention of this is when the used butter is used on toast
Jenny was a fat bitch who liked to give herself anal combustion

Spontaneous anal combustion

it Is a gay fighting move used during sex
Gary: “yo did you just use spontaneous anal combustion on that kid yesterday”
Peng: “ yes, is there something wrong with that?”
Liam and mai: “yes that’s fucking gay”

Spontaneous anal combustion

it Is a gay fighting move used during sex
Gary: “yo did you just use spontaneous anal combustion on that kid yesterday”
Peng: “ yes, is there something wrong with that?”
Liam and mai: “yes that’s fucking gay”




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