

俚语 full tilt boogie

full tilt boogie

Phrase used to express the process by which something/someone acts in an extremely focused and aggressive manner in the pursuit of a goal.
"What I've been struck by is all the postering by talking heads, and typing hands, with the media circus in full tilt boogie, jockeying for ratings."

full tilt boogie

The superlative level of an endeavour or product, usually only applied to endeavours and products that are inherently exciting. There can be a full tilt boogie iteration of a particular line of sports cars; there is no such variant of a minivan. One can play a guitar or drum solo at full tilt boogie. It is highly doubtful that an oboeist or tuba player could so inspire a listener as to merit the description.
1) Keith was going full tilt boogie when he hit the solo on "Gimme Shelter".
2) The Screamin' Eagle is the full tilt boogie version of Harley's Fat Boy.

full tilt boogie

The emotional feeling you acquire after murdering someone.
Full tilt boogie is an incredible feeling, not necessarily nice though.

full tilt boogie

when in the act of copulating with total physical engagement. out of control.
stanks fo tha full tilt boogie last nite baybee.

Full tilt boogie

Reacting without reserve and no concern for consequences. Take no prisoners. Don’t hold back.
I could tell by what was happening between us that the right thing to do was to go Full Tilt Boogie at you.

Full Tilt Boogie

When you are operating under EXTREME stress, so hyper-focused on a specific goal that you start to make silly mistakes on other things.
I have a huge project due tomorrow, stayed up til 3am, I'm on the full tilt boogie, I missed my exit, left my credit card at the store, and locked my keys in the car.

While doing the full tilt boogie-you are having an adrenaline rush that causes you to make mistakes you wouldn't normally make under normal circumstances




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:08:10