a big fat guy with a hairy ass. who has man boobs and only wears his own beard and a belly button ring. fumdrulkes usually are really gay yet horny. and like to hook up with hot guys in the ass at the stripclub every tuesday morning. hey spends most of his time watching tv, especially the porn channel and the infomercials. he thinks P90X is the answer and that baremineral covers up his hickies in his restricted areas that his sheman herman gave to him for a halloween suprise!!!! well fumdrolkes are usually not emotionally secure enouf to slleep with people cause he wets his bead and wore dipers in 5th grade.
the fumdrulke murderd his eldest child alfonso
your moms a fundrulke
fuck you fundrulke
quit being a fundrulke and put ur thong back on
your moms a fundrulke
fuck you fundrulke
quit being a fundrulke and put ur thong back on