Fuq.com is the best porn site of all time. It's the all-you-can eat buffet of internet sex. Highly addictive and explosive, fuq is liable to change lives.
Guy 1: Yo you wanna go out shopping with me?
Guy 2: Can't man, ripping a fat fuq session tonight.
Guy 2: Can't man, ripping a fat fuq session tonight.
Used when people on Roblox dont want their freaking words in freaking hashtags.
Jeff121: What the ####
Lolme223: What?
Jeff121: What the Fuq
Lolme223: Lol I can say fuck
Jeff121: WHAT THE ####
Lolme223: What?
Jeff121: What the Fuq
Lolme223: Lol I can say fuck
Jeff121: WHAT THE ####
1.Noun 2.Verb 3.Interjection. 4.Adjective
1. a name for someone who is a douche bag. can be used with the word "mother" and ending "er" to creat "mother fuqer"
2. to bone, have sex with, hump, or defeat in a game.
3. Sort of similar to "oh shit!"
4. something that is not cool. or just a random description.
1.Noun 2.Verb 3.Interjection. 4.Adjective
1. a name for someone who is a douche bag. can be used with the word "mother" and ending "er" to creat "mother fuqer"
2. to bone, have sex with, hump, or defeat in a game.
3. Sort of similar to "oh shit!"
4. something that is not cool. or just a random description.
1. "That Jeremy is a real Fuq".
2. "Our football team got fuqed last night" or "we should so fuq!"
3. "what the fuq!" or "Fuq! I completely just dropped my book!"
4. "What a fuqing brutal day..."
2. "Our football team got fuqed last night" or "we should so fuq!"
3. "what the fuq!" or "Fuq! I completely just dropped my book!"
4. "What a fuqing brutal day..."
A way for ROBLOX players to say, "fuck" without the word being blocked.
Baconhair123: #### me!
Gaylord_3: tags
Baconhair123: fuq me*
Gaylord_3: that's fuqing gay
Baconhair123: ik
Gaylord_3: tags
Baconhair123: fuq me*
Gaylord_3: that's fuqing gay
Baconhair123: ik
What 14 year olds say about having sex but think they're cool so they put a q instead; used by guys who think their ghetto
I cant wait to fuq you tonight
It's slang for "fuck" when people don't want to swear so they use fuq.
"Send 's creepy photo"
"Da fuq"
"Laughing "
"Da fuq"
"Laughing "
A new fun way to say fuck originated from a gang called the wiggers.
Finna rape a bitch fuq.