

俚语 fuquette



(idiom) (noun) (verb)

FUQUETTE is about taking that leap of faith, facing your fears, and following your dream. It’s getting out of the house. It’s getting out of your head. It’s jumping in the car and going on a spontaneous road trip; doing something new and adventurous. It’s doing what you've always dreamed of doing and never looking back.

a way of life that’s all about following your passion, doing big things, pushing past resistance, and never settling. It’s doing that scary exciting thing your gut has been telling you to do.

lifestyle · attitude

used to declare your independence, resistance, or zero-fucks (but all the fucks) stance on a matter.

“He was tired of sitting around, waiting for that *never-going-to-happen* "magical moment when everything aligns perfectly and he's "finally ready", so he finally said, “FUQUETTE, I’m starting my own business.”



how you pronounce it when your mom asks, “What’s that word on your t-shirt?”
“Just tell her, “It’s fancy, mom. It's pronounced "foo-quey” (OR "foo-ket" OR "few-kit” OR "foo-ket-tay”)

(It's really pronounced however you'd like to pronounce it.)



A French-inspired lifestyle brand designed for go-getters, risk-takers, and adventure-seekers. A lifestyle brand designed for the bold.
"So, I've been talking about doing this thing for a while now, but it just hasn't felt like the right time. FUQUETTE, what am I waiting for? Life is short. Let's go."

"Volleyball tournament even though I've never played before in my life? FUQUETTE, I guess you've gotta start somewhere. I'm in."

"The past doesn't exist, the future doesn't exist. All that exists is now? FUQUETTE, I'm present af."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:04:52