A majestic beard so intense that continuing to wear it may be interpreted by some as a form of oppression for the wearer. Also, such a strict adherence to hipster beard culture that the beard wearer lives in fear of being seen beardless.
Dude: Have you seen Gavin's furka?
Dude2: Have I seen it? I can taste it with my eyes.
Dude: Hey man, how was your weekend?
Dude 2: How was it? Pfff, amazeballs. Smell my furka!
Dude: I'm worried about Bryan. He's so quiet and submissive since he grew out that furka. He doesn't even like Bon Iver anymore.
Dude2: Have I seen it? I can taste it with my eyes.
Dude: Hey man, how was your weekend?
Dude 2: How was it? Pfff, amazeballs. Smell my furka!
Dude: I'm worried about Bryan. He's so quiet and submissive since he grew out that furka. He doesn't even like Bon Iver anymore.