

俚语 furry gay

Furry Gay

A Furry Gay is someone who is both attracted to men and sexually attracted to animals with fur.
"Look at Zachary, he's such a mad Furry Gay."

"If you failed a year of high school you're a furry gay"

"I heard that guy got a lap dance from a guy!"

"He must be a gay."

"Nope even worse, a furry gay!"
"Oh dear"

furries are gay

The scroll of truth says that...
......furries are gay.

Gay Furry

a Furry that is very gay and will kiss anybody's head and will start Furry Dancing.
Hey, Its a Gay Furry

GAY Furry

Lycanon the wolf
Lycanon is the gayest furry to live he is such a GAY Furry

Gay furry

A Gay furry is Someone who dresses up like a animal but likes to be fucked by other men in Animal costumes.
Friend: Yo dude are you a Gay furry?
dudes other friend: yeah mate
friend: ....
dudes other friend: ....
Friend: come on get in the closet i'll be in there soon

gay furry porn

springs favorite type of gay porn
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everyone:we know
._. XDDDD ;-;

Gay furry porn

The most toe curling gut twisting bone crunching best thing in the world even proven to be better than the lord
Oh fuck I love gay furry porn




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:36:05