

俚语 anal pop

Anal pop

When a male sticks his penis in a male or females anus and pops it out making a click or pop sound
Girl: can I have an anal pop?
Guy: k thts fine
Pop pop pop pop

Anal Pop Tart

When you take a pop tart of your favorite flavor smoosh it all up and stick it in your partners ass.Then you have them shit it back out in your mouth lapping it all up...
Damn baby last night that anal pop tart was absolutley delishoius

Pop anal

When your dogs anal glands excrete leaving a terrible stench.
"Guys! Ruger just popped anal and it smells like bigfoot's dick!" Heather: "Stop guys it's 2012 and its normal for dogs to pop anal, smh idiots..."

Anal pop

Forcing an entire fist up a woman’s asshole and releasing the fist with your fingers spread out while inside the hole.
I was paralyzed by an anal pop




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