

俚语 gack


Methamphetamine (crank, speed). Describes the gag reflex triggered by the extreme burning sensation of the nasal passages when the drug is snorted, and the very bitter taste as it drains down the back of the throat.
The character 'Pooh-Bear' in the movie "The Salton Sea" had to have his nose surgically removed because he snorted too much gack.


Any amount of useless or unwanted stuff (usually regarding possesions)
I've got too much damn gack in my attic. Guess I'll throw something on ebay.


1.A term used for the Drug Crystal Meth Amphetamine

2A some what derogatory name for person under the influence of crystal meth.
1. "They just smoked a fat bowl of gack."

or Thats some killer Gack!"
2. "That guy is a total effin gack." or "Quit being such a gack, your going to get us busted!" or "Never bring that gack over to my house again!"


To borrow or steal internet content from another user.
I gacked this meme from lamebrain426.


Methamphetamine. Used to describe the gag reflex which can be triggered by the extreme burning sensation of the nasal passages and bitter taste of meth when snorted.
Ever seen the movie, "The Salton Sea"? There's a character called Poo-Bear who snorted so much gack that the doctors had to cut off his nose.


To discharge some kind of fluid from the mouth, either phlegm, mucus or vomit.
I had a coughing fit and gacked out a lunger the size of my hand.


Crank, lower quality methamphetamine not the higher quality crystam version but the stuff that is brown some times and burns like hell. There are 2 types of gack. One eye and two eye. One eye refers to the burning pain and tearing in the eye after snorting. Two eye gack makes both eyes burn and water from snorting it in one nostril.
"I did some gack last week and I still feel like shit!"




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