

俚语 gai maitou

Gai Maitou

1.The best martial arts instructor ever!
Close personal friend of The King(Bruce Campbell) and the Master(Ving Rhames.

2.When Gai Maitou is not instucting the best martial arts ever or being friends with the King and the Master, he is one of the best characters in Naruto manga and anime.

He totally made Rock Lee who is today by taking him under his wing, giving him confidence, teaching him the importance of youth, and teaching him to kick serious ass, using only taijutsus(attacks that use physical energy istead of chakura).

He also turned Rock Lee into his clone.

His main moral code is that you must do everything within your power to protect any people who are important to you.

see also Gai Sensei
1.Me: Today, my house.
Marathon of awexome.
Naruto, Evil Dead 2, Dawn of the Dead, then fireworks. BYOB.

2.Lee: Gai Sensei......
Gai Sensei: Lee......
Lee: Gai Sensei......
Gai Sensei: Lee......
Lee: Gai Sensei......
Gai Sensei: Lee......




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