

俚语 galded


rubbed to the point of rawness
billy's balls were galded from walking in tight shorts all day.


rubbed raw and mistreated
Johnny Cash, "Live at San Quentin" (1969)
Song: "San Quentin"
"San Quentin, you've been a living hell to me.
You've galded me since 1963...."


In plumbing or auto mechanics, a joint that develops blistering and/or pitting, sometimes making the joint very difficult to open.
The faucet was galded so I sprayed it down with penetrating oil to try to loosen it.


The highly undesirable state of being both ginger and bald. Defined as a chronic illness by the World Health Organisation, and a personality disorder by the American Psychiatric Association.
McDonaldism is a common consequence of premature Galdness.

"I'm collecting for people with Galdness. Could you please spare a few coins, or an unconvincing toupee?"

That dude has galdness. He is just a massive galdy.


The form of currency used in the Tales series.
I need 2,000 Gald to buy that!


A person that does not answer or respond to numerous questions or statements and never says goodbye before they leave first, because they think its funny to piss people off.
You know that kid Sai? He's SUCH a gald sometimes!


To be superior
The definition of "Gald" is to be superior and knowing me I am superior, I get alot cars, alot of bitches, and alot money but not in that order. So many Benjamin you couldn't count..Like I am the best bow bow chika chika bow.




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