A brazilian expression. It basically means to use improvised methods / solutions to solve a problem, with any avaiable material.
English equivalents would include "McGyverism", "Kludge","Quick Fix", "Alternative Engineering", "Workaround", and so on.
English equivalents would include "McGyverism", "Kludge","Quick Fix", "Alternative Engineering", "Workaround", and so on.
Person 1: I fixed the shower, go take a look at it!
Person 2: What's with all those wires? Thats one hell of a gambiarra you did!
Person 1: Hey, at least it works!... kinda.
Person 1: Thank goodness you made the car work again! have you made a gambiarra?
Person 2: I prefer to call it 'alternative engineering'
Person 1: I fixed the shower, go take a look at it!
Person 2: What's with all those wires? Thats one hell of a gambiarra you did!
Person 1: Hey, at least it works!... kinda.
Person 1: Thank goodness you made the car work again! have you made a gambiarra?
Person 2: I prefer to call it 'alternative engineering'