

俚语 game botter

Game botter

To bot a game is to love a game so much that you'd want to have sex with it you'd prefer to play your game than spend time with your girlfriend. To bot a game could be used in many ways... This could be used for playing on a P. C. XBOX, PLAYSTATION OR any other console. You become so enthralled in it that it takes over everything else. For "gamebotters" they should leave their significant other their credit card and encourage them to spend as much as they like to enable them to have some peace whilst bottling their game
"I'm going to bot my game" when a partner hears this they probably won't see there loved one for sometime, they should be prepared for lots of erratic shouting asif at a football match aswell as swearing and a pile of empty beer cans the pungent smell of sweaty fart will also be present.
Game botter




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:22:43