

俚语 gamer's eye

Gamer's Eye

The really annoying unconscious twitching of the eyelid of either one or both eyes caused by heavy fatigue. It is not a painful condition, but the twitching does become very annoying over time. The only cure is regular deep sleep over a number of days. Called gamer's eye because so many gamers experience it after spending day after day sitting up until 2am playing Counter-Strike (or WOW, or some other game), then getting up at the usual time to attend work/school/college/etc.
Person 1: Man, I've been playing Counter-Strike for three days straight and now I've got the worst case of gamer's eye. Look closely, can you see my eyelid twitching?
Person 2: You are such a geek. You should switch to World of Warcraft; it kicks CS's ass!
Person 3: Dude, you know I can't play WOW; I'm heterosexual!

Gamer's Eye

When you play so many games, you see things others miss out on.
Gamer: Dude, look! An awesome game! (piled under some other games)
Nongamer: Where? Wow, you have developed a Gamer's Eye. Wait... why do I care if you found a cool game? Nerd.
Gamer: And proud! Stupid n00b.

gamer eye

a condition often developed by doom or online game players when a player starts to stop blinking in order to be alert at all times.
"man did you notice that matt wasnt blinking?", "ya man ever since he started to play games online he got gamer eye"

Gamer Eye

When your eyes start to uncontrollably water and burn after extended periods of gaming. Thought to be caused by staring without blinking at your TV or computer screen for too long.
Gamer 1: crap crap crap! pause the game i got gamer eye, i can't see!

Gamer 2: Dude were online you can't pause...

Gamer eye

A condition caused by a gamer that goes extended periods of time without blinking. This can cause dry, bloodshot eyes, as well as experiencing pain when one finally does blink.
I spent all night playing DOOM; now I've got gamer eye.

gamer's eye

Playing an online game for long periods of time, most likely WOW or COD, and developing red spots on the eye. This condition doesn't hurt but stays for about a day.
Man I stayed up until 4 last night playing Modern Warfare 2, now I have gamer's eye.

Gamer Eye

A stinging sensation occurring in either eye as a result of intense focus amongst a screen of any kind, without blinking for periods at a time. Symptoms can include red eyes and thoughts of gaming. Gamers experiencing Gamer Eye longer than 5.235790292 seconds should report to their local Optometrist immediately as extreme cases have been shown to result in Gamer Eyetis, an intense pain resulting in 10 second gamer eye conditions only the elitist of gamers have ever truly experienced.
Gamer: aye scape why u got gamer eye

scape: counting this edit frame for frame to unsure minimal fps




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