

俚语 gaming moment

Heated Gaming Moment

It's when a person falsely attribute the cause of his Insensitive/Prejudist/Ethnicist statement and/or oppinion to be caused by Video Games. A questionable cause.
Person A : What a fucking nigger! (while playing PUBG on the bridge)
Person B : That hurt my fee fees!
Person C: Its ok B, A was just said that amid a heated gaming moment, its cool.
Person B: (⊙_☉)
Person C: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Person A: ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

Funny Gaming Moment

An ironic phrase used when speaking in a group chat, such as donate. Often spammed and used in all caps.
"will you shut the hell up"

aww yeah gaming moment

A moment wile playing a video game that you just can't explain the sheer awesomeness of.

(People who play League of Legends seem to have the most of these)
Justin: Hey Zac! I had an aww yeah gaming moment yesterday!
Zac: Cool what happened?
Justin: I was playing LoL and single-handedly won the game for my team!
Zac: That's pretty sweet man!
Justin: I know right!

epic gay epic games gamer moment

gay sex while playing fortnite
dude bro 1: i had an gay sex while playing fortnite yesterday
dude bro 2: thats an epic gay epic games gamer moment

gaming chair moment

Describes an instance of a hacker/cheater in a video game being completely obvious and obnoxious with their hacks/cheats, the joke being that it's only to make them feel powerful.
"Had a gaming chair moment last night, fucker was instakilling us cross map."

Gaming Moment

Desbug’s “Mario Party Super Stars is Broken” at 14:08.
“Future generations will be looking up ‘gaming moment’ on the urban dictionary and it will just be that clip right there” - Desbug

epic gaming moment

when they tell you not to commit war crimes but you still do
just got back from attacking the civilian population, epic gaming moment right there




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:35:47