

俚语 gamze


A wonderful, kind, beautiful girl!
Boy 1: hey what’s your girlfriend called?
Boy 2: Gamze, why?
Boy 1: damn you are so lucky, girls named Gamze are amazing


The most beautiful and sweetest girl in the world .. and has a really nice ass
damn dude... that Gamze is hurting me...


A girl that is great to be around. She always has food to give out. She loves guys and will hook up with most of them! Treat her well, don’t mess with her. No matter what she will fight anyone for her friends. She’s loyal and outgoing. She may not get all the guys but is waiting for that special someone to come around. She is someone to take to a party! If a guy doesn’t treat her well she will drop them that second, so be careful. She’s loving and caring to those around her. If your on her good side, your one lucky person. Keep her in your life!!!
Wow Gamze is so fun to be around.


The most stubborn and ambitious girl I know...
Gamze is always so stubborn.


She’s the most amazing person you’ll ever meet. She’s kind hearted and one of the funniest people to ever exist. Gamze is also the most breathtaking person you’ll ever see.

Everyone should have a Gamze.
me: Bye mom, I’m going to Gamze.

mom: Gamze? Do you mean that amazing, smart and beautiful friend of yours?


An outgoing girl that is sensitive to people that see her on the outside and not on the inside

Treat her how you want to be treated or she will haunt you down tillllllll you dddddddiiiiieeeee

And she loves guys
Gamze will be hurt if you treat her badly


A nickname for a very successful person. A person that has lots of money and owns a big house. This person is a god at counter-strike.
We're getting carried, that must be gamz.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:31:48