

俚语 gaquine


If You met a GaQuine;They are short tempered and quiet. You’d most likely find them in the Shadows. They give off a mysterious vibe. GaQuine’s are Loyal to the person they care about and bluntly honest. GaQuine’s type of careers would be fighting or construction. They would protect there loved ones until there last breath. They know how to hide there emotions well, but when you get to know them they are silly, funny and crazy and aims to please and also a badass in his own way. But they also have little self esteem so help him out a bit. He’s secretly very smart but won’t admit it.If you have a GaQuine don’t let him go
Person 1: Who’s that in the shadows
Person2: oh that’s my best friend GaQuine
Person 1: He looks mysterious.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:41:12