

俚语 [garbage bagging]

[garbage bagging]

Vomiting into a condom, putting it on, and then sodomzing a corpse.
"Yoooo bro, I did to much acid last weekend and wound up garbage bagging my grandma"

Garbage Bagged

To be in a state of such drunkenness, that it would be necessary to cover all valuable items in garbage bags in order to protect them from vomit.
He was so garbage bagged he vomited all over my house

garbage bag

1.a very dirty pussy or another word for a slut.
2.a wide set vagina (caused by being a slut)
suzie your such a slut no wonder you have a garbage bag

garbage bag

prophyillactic, rubber, trash can liner
judy usually kept a garbage bag in her purse

Garbage Bagged

to be drunk and stoned. you cant breath well, you cant see well, like a garbage bagged is around your head.
"dude why did you hook up with that fatass chick last night"..."hey man i was so garbage bagged she looked damn good"

Garbage Bag

When several men gather in a combined attempt to group tea bag a gentleman's face. When it is done in a fashion as to humiliate said gentleman, this negates all homosexuality assosiated with mens balls touching.
"Hey guys, we've been camping for less than 4 hours and Adams already passed out. I say we garbage bag this bitch."

Garbage bag glad

To express tier 1 gladness.
Karla: Hey Ahson, I just got you new shoe laces.




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