

俚语 garden hoe's

Garden hoe

A Mexican hooker.
For $60, that garden hoe will suck your cock and then mow your lawn.

Garden Hoe

Vegan Slut!
That girl is too skinny!
Bet she one of them Garden Hoe's that don't eat Meat.

garden hoe

a particularly gracious bitch who waters your plants
Big Rod: Hey so how is that new bitch you picked up in the projects

Gamble: She's great. Luckily she turned out to be a garden hoe

Garden Hoe

A woman whom of which prefers to have sex in a garden rather than in a house on any other types of surfaces.
James: Dude, this new chick I've been dating is a real garden hoe.
Sam: That sucks bro.

James: I know, I got thorns on my junk when we were doing it by the rose bushes.

garden hoe

1. a girl that keeps her garden real nice and makes her seem like a nice girl but wen u walk in the house she acts like a hoe

2. a girl who dont shave her pussy but it aint as bad as a jungle its just a garden

3. smells like flowers or leaves wen ur doing her
'' dang girl u smell like a garden, u my garden hoe''

hoe garden tool


garden hoes

Insult typically used by fire year olds over Xbox live chat. The act of using low quality mic is known as sounding like a "garden hoes"
Isacc: *speaks with low quality mic*

Hoard of 5 year olds: Dude you sound like a fucking garden hoes!




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