

俚语 gargathe


A discriminatory term used against the people of Rwanda. It's history dates back to the slave trade, often being another word used for nigger. In recent times the word has been less frequently by white supremacist groups, however, it is often still used in the state of Mississippi.
That black guy is such a gargathe!

I hate gargathes!

I just sold a couple of gargathes to a cotton plantation!


Gargathe was an enormous Kintan crusher who roamed Gargath's Watch, an area of the Clabburn Tundra on the planet Hoth, during the Cold War. The crusher was attacked by a group of offworlders and killed.

Gargathe can also be described as a discriminatory term against the people of Rwanda.
Ex 1: Gargathe was an interesting Star Wars character.

Ex 2: Why are you such a Gargathe?




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:12:13