

俚语 gas bagging

gas bagging

V. To insert one's testicle into another's anus. The testicle is then expelled via flatulence.
That chick digs a good gas bagging.

gas bag

Gas bag = wind bag, pompous, talkative, bloviator. One who bloviates - constantly talking, often in a longwinded pompous manner. Many of these folks like the sound of their own voice - often unaware of those around them who are often laughing at them behind their backs. These folks are often very vain and conceited - impressed by their own self importance. Many politicans are gas bags, full of empty hot air.

These folks are sometimes referred to as popinjays.
Many politicans are gas bags - long winded pompous people who are usually bloviating over their own self importance.

Gas Bag

1. A special bag made to store and transport gas.

2. Someone who talks a lot or is full of hot air.

3. Someone who farts a lot.
Industries use gas bags to ship and transport gas for easy handling. My co-worker must have a lot of energy to talk a lot. My friend is full of gas cause he farts a lot.

Gas Bag

Someone who talks utter bullshit, and is known to be a liar or a gossiper.
"Bruv I got 100% on my maths test." "Wow Shafin, you are such a gas bag"

gas bag

gas bag is a slang term used when referring to strong marijuana that is being held in a small bag for personal use.
"93 gas bag petro" Pee Wee Longway on Rerocc

gas bag

Noun: a particularly aromatic sample of marijuana.
That stuff you gave me was the gas bag, man! My friend’s mom definitely smelled it when we walked in the door.

Gas n Bag

When a male proceeds to fart in your mouth and then quickly puts his balls in your mouth.
Austin punished becky that night for her not obeying him. So austin vigorously Gas N Bagged becky until she knew who's boss.




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