

俚语 gasholeline


The fuel of GasHoles everywhere. Internal Explosion Engine cars use GasHoleLine for fuel, the fuel that is killing the planet. Every gallon of gasholeline burned in a car, truck or lawn mower puts over 20 pounds of heath and climate change pollution in the air. Jet airplanes are even worse!
"I'm trading in my GasHole for a new Electric Vehicle like Tesla, they don't use any GasHoleLine and can charge back off of solar and wind power."
"I hate being a gashole, and burning that gasholeline makes 9 million people die each year from air pollution, I'm done sending my money to the fossils who make me complicit in killing people with my pollution while the fossils profit.”
“I’m going to Exxonerate myself from gasholeline.”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:55:04