

俚语 gashtag


Hashtags made by and for lesbians. The symbol is the same, but the word behind the hashtag will be used to lesbian Twitter users. It's a woman power thing.
The word "gashtag" is not necessarily used in a sentence, just used to describe to your buddies a lesbian based hashtag. #lesbiansunite


A hashtag on social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram that is unnecessary or ridiculous, and is therefore colloquially defined as being 'gash'.

As a general rule of thumb, people who gashtag don't fully understand the concept of hashtagging - that by placing the # symbol in front of words designates them as search terms for other users.
Generic tweet: "OMG Made In Chelsea is on #imsoinlovewithspencermarrymeplease" - this is a gashtag because no one is going to type that in to a twitter search and clicking on it is unlikely to show any other tweets because the tag is so ambiguous


New photo on Instagram: New dress #selfie #lipstick #and #lashes - in this case 'and' is the gashtag, it is unnecessary because 'and' is not a term most users will want to search for, and if it is, they probably weren't looking for a selfie from a pouting teenage girl.


Expressing your appreciation of a hottie on twitter via the use of a hashtag
John: Look at that girl's display picture

Adebayo: I'm gashtagging that #gashtag




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:07:36