

俚语 gaskin


anything in the world, good or bad (usually good). Karan
ur such a gaskin


Big dick
I have a big gaskins

Cam gaskin

He is the most amazing man ive ever met . You would be lucky to talk to him. He is always kind and caring . Always asking if your okay . Hes got a girlfriend so fuck off . Haha thanks x
Cam gaskin is caseys girlfriend so yeah back the fuck off

55 Gaskin

A place where you go to get your ass kicked, many say it does not exsist, but it is very real..many tough people fight there, like Cubze, if you are ever threatened, tell them to meet you at 55, they will be running and shitting there pants in no time, i have went there and luckily only came home with a few broken bones
Guy1: I'll kick your ass you bitch
Guy2: Oh hell no, ill meet you at 55
Guy1: 55!?!?! sweeet jesus (Signs off)

Thomas gaskins

Somebody who gets salty over the smallest things
Wow look at Thomas gaskins he’s so salty


Cold last name.
They must be a gaskins

Charlie Gaskin

A huge simp who goes for girls he will never get. Super White, if you stare at him for too long you will go blind. Addicted to CBT, which has caused deflation of the balls. He has a massive micropenis
Imagine being that much of a simp, you're a Charlie Gaskin




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:10:01