

俚语 gaubi


A Gaubi is very kind and generous, he always has his friends’ backs and is super grounded and humble. Although Guabi's can be dumb at times, they never have bad intentions and will always be there for you. A Gaubi is funny, crazy and mean (at times), but he is also a genuine guy and one of a kind. A ladies man - he has all the juniors falling for him. A heartthrob and heart breaker both, he is blessed with beautiful brows, a sexy body and bonus points if he is a Punjabi. A Gaubi is one of the best friends one can have and anyone with a Gaubi in their life is lucky.
G: Talking to this guy is the highlight of my day
A: You're so lucky, he must be a Gaubi




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更新时间:2024/9/21 10:46:11