

俚语 gaybian


Someone who is both a gay man and a lesbian! Yes this is a valid identity, there could be many reasons someone identifies as this, one of which is mentioned below
Person 1: Hey you know how I'm genderfluid and my sexuality changes depending on my gender (a form of abrosexual)
Person 2: Yeah?
Person 1: Well, I've realized that whenever I'm a man I only feel attraction to men and never women, but when I'm a woman I only feel attraction to women and never men, making me gay when I'm a man but lesbian when I'm a woman. So! I decided to use the label gaybian to explain my experience :)
Person 2: Woah that's so cool!


This is when a person, male or female, is atrracted to both genders, therefore making them bi or gaybian
Dude I heard Herbert is a gaybian
Yeah man he said he liked John and Isabel


A gay bottom who decides to date another gay bottom.
Two lips stick lesbian dating each other or two drag queens dating each other this would make them gaybians


When a female wants to be in a relationship with another female, however they both want to cross-dress as males. Therefore making them lesbians who want to be gay men, or gaybians.
So my friend decided today that she wanted to be a gaybian. I don't understand it either, but more power to her.


A generic term used to describe homosexuals of either sex, especially if the person under considerations' gender is somewhat hazey. Obviously a simple merge of gay and lesbian, Coined by the Rt.Hon Sir Toby
Look at that gaybian whipping that ginger kid's ass at the bar!


1. The cross between being lesbian and gay. Also known as being bi or bi sexual.

2. An insult. Something you say to someone in place of faggot or another word.
1. Person X: Why is she touching Martha like that when she was just having intercorse with Bob?

Person Y: I heard she's a gaybian!

2. Go away, you're not welcome here you little gaybian.. and stay out of my brownies!


When a man transforms into a woman and dates another man that also transformed into a woman.
Did you see that Billy Joe started dating Bobby Sue? Yeah didn’t Bobby Sue have gender surgery like Bully Joe? Yeah! That would make them gaybians




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:52:31