

俚语 gay dick

gay dick

The dick is aroused by a guy not a girl so the dick is gay and its attached to a guy that's obviously gay so both the guy and the dick are gay.
He bent over for the gay dick.

Gay dick

A dick that's gay but the owner isn't.
Bro 1: I was with a girl last night but my dick did not work again

Bro 2: Haha gay dick

gay dick syndrome

When you are straight but your dick is gay.
I tried to bang Shaquandra but couldn't get it up because of my Gay Dick Syndrome so I had to fuck Tyreke instead.

gay dick kelly

a gay version of machine gun kelly
Did you hear gay dick kelly's new song dissing eminem? that shit was ass.

Gay dick sex

When two or more guys, make sex.
With dicks.
Wow, I was watching porn the other day, and there was lots of gay dick sex.

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Can i get free gay dicks
Can i get free gay dicks

dick gay

Someone who is being a complete and utter tosser

*Not homophobic in any way please dont be offended
He is fucking dick gay




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:34:46