

俚语 gay/faggot

Gay faggot

A person that is gay or sometimes a huge faggot
Why don't u fuck me u gay faggot

Gay faggot

Someone who is acting non manly and being a whimp.
Only gay faggots don't jump in the lake

gay faggot

1) a homosexual male who prefers sex with women; 2) an indirect, and rather confusing, way of referring to a man as straight; 3) When uttered in front of others, an effective way of publicly declaring that one is a complete idiot with a woefully limited vocabulary.
I guess I'm not so good at homosexuality, I keep having sex with women, I'm just a fuck-up, a real gay faggot.

He just called that guy a "gay faggot," he must be a complete idiot who never adequately mastered the English language.

gay faggot

(n) a homosexual. syn: "fruit," "queer," "fairy." antonym: "straight faggot."
Say, you sound like a gay faggot!

Gay Faggot

Gay means happy and Faggot means a bundle of sticks.
"Oh those guys is such gay faggots." Male said scowling at the
happy homosexual couple.
"Wow, didn't know I was a happy bundle of sticks." One of the homosexuals replied sarcastically.

Gay Faggot

A Kaleb
Whats up gay faggot

Gay faggots

Two friends who enjoy anime and think video games cause violence
Those two are gay faggots




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