

俚语 gay gang

Gay Gang

A gang of gays that goes around not busting people for money or doing bad things, but insulting people about their clothing and furniture.
Uh oh lock your doors the gay gang is coming again.

Gay Gang

Gay gang is a group of gay people or a group of gay people who fuck a lot. It is also a song
Oh look its the gay gang

Gay Gang

A group of largely unlikable people (with exceptions) who are suspected by most to be gay, or at least bicurious.

Few people outside the group tend to chill with the Gay Gang.
Person: oh look, it's the Gay Gang again

Gay gang

aight so shawtys when u say some gay shit u gotta put it on the gay gang
Keith: damn honey boo u got a fat ass on the gay gang

gay baby gang

A group of gay babies that play video games and use offensive language on YouTube
Person : “is raccooneggs part of gay baby gang ?”
Someone else : “ dude, totally “

Gay baby gang

The name of the Misfits fan base.
Created when swaggersouls said that their entire fan base consisted of gay babies while stoned

Swaggersouls: Our entire fan base consist of gay babies!
Fits: No, my fanbase are not gay babies their like gay preschoolers, yours are gay babies
Fitz: Do you know what people call our fanbase?
Toby on the Tele: No...
Fitz: the gay baby gang...
Toby: ...

Swag gay gang

A discord server known for the swag people it has and for its weird rules
-Did you get banned from "Swag gay gang"?!
-yea i was mean to a member




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:38:16