

俚语 gay heterosexual

Gay Heterosexual

A wimpy, straight man with a minuscule dick. They enjoy snacking on soy products, and their vegan moms fed them soy milk instead of breast feeding. They tend to have very low testosterone levels, and they lack protein due to their almost guaranteed veganistic behavior. These soy boys' favorite activity is virtue signaling, which they do by showing up at Gay Pride parades, and molesting the actual gay people. Due to their feminine ways, these "men" are never partnered with decent females. Instead, they like extreme feminist women who don't expect any manly behavior. Due to this defying nature and biology, these relationships never last. Gay Heterosexuals tend to populate the large American cities, including New York, Miami, Los Angeles, and especially San Fransisco, where these hoards are plentiful. During intercourse with these wimps, a woman may require that a "toy" is used, since the man's penis is usually not long enough to penetrate the vagina. It's unusual that sperm can be produced by Gay Heterosexuals, due to the high estrogen/low testosterone levels, so population decrease has been present in recent years. It is believed that in the near future, they may be extinct.
Diet: carrots, almonds, soy milk, bran flakes, and bamboo
Age: 18-30
Gender: well gender could mean many things
IQ: 20-40
Dick Length: 0.1-1inch in erect form
Hobby: screaming and crying about changing the word
That Gay Heterosexual didn't even grunt once when I slept with him.
Gay heterosexuals have been banished from most parts of Texas.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:14:01