

俚语 gay trap

gay trap

A trap set with the intent of getting a heterosexual to admit obscure knowledge that a homosexual would/should definitely know.
Trapper: "You're as annoying as that right-winged nut who is a host on The View"
Trappee: Elizabeth Hasslebeck?
Trapper: GAY TRAP!

Trapper: "I could really go for one a drink with Peach schnapps in it"
Trappee: How about a Sex on the Beach?
Trapper: GAY TRAP!

gay trap

getting a dude to use a gay word in a sentence
hay frank what color is that dudes shirt, its not red or pink, frank answers its fuschia, resopnse GAY TRAP

gay trapping

when someone gaslights and manipulates people around you to make them think you are gay so they can get with you.
Kevin was gay trapping my best friend Aiden and we all thought Aiden was a closeted gay for months!

Gay Trap

Yelled out when someone says or does something that could be considered gay. This can be set up to catch someone out.
Girl: Does anyone know when Justin Bieber's birthday is?
Guy: 1st of march
Other Guy: Gay Trap!!

Are traps gay?

A question to revive any group chat. Any wars that happen after are your own responsibility.
"Are traps gay?"
I disagree
*instant war*

Are traps gay?

Yes they are.
Are traps gay?
No, they are straighter than your pp.

Gay Trap House

A trap house with only dudes and fat chicks.
Dude, that place got old, it's like a gay trap house full of fat bitches.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:24:04