

俚语 gazinity

booty gazin

when you and yo home boys are walkin and a big jumpin notorious
lookin piece of ass goes on past...and yo boys be like DAMN GIRL!! I WANNA DRINK YO BATH WATER!!
Man 1-"Bruh, I saw you when dat hoe walked by.. You was straight booty gazin man..You got a peice a dat? Gimmie sum.."
Man 2-"Damn! you always up in someone elses booty gazin and shit.. Get yo own ass bruh.."

bait gazin

After catchin a big fish with a buddy, someone on another boat either asks what you're usin or creeps real close to try and see, usually both.
Catch fish

(guy on another boat)-Damn what are you usin

(You)-This mofo is bait gazin I ain't tellin him shit


The anount that comes after infinity... GAZINITY
Q: Hey, what’s after infinity?


(n) A periodical that wants you to know that it is definitely not one of those sissy magazines for women like "O" or "Cosmo" and is manly enough for men to be seen carrying in public.
Guns & Ammo, Assault Rifles Weekly, The Official Humvee Magazine, Military Today, Football Journal, The Manly Man's Manly Man-gazine of Manly Manliness,




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