The background character(s) from Nickelodeon’s hit show "Spongebob Squarepants"
Mr.Krabs: *sniffs sniffs* do you smell it? That smell, Kind of smelly smell, that smelly smells that smells smelly
*eyes widens*
Squidward: what?
Mr.Krabs: ANCHOVIES!!!
Anchovies: meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep x100
*eyes widens*
Squidward: what?
Mr.Krabs: ANCHOVIES!!!
Anchovies: meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep x100
Kids that leave a bad taste in your mouth because they are pests.
Here comes the Smith's with their anchovies.
Dirty hippies who stink up the area they are near.
*sniff sniff* "What do I smell? Oh my god, it's those fucking anchovies again!"
A derogative name for Asians, especially Hmongs, because of their resemblances to the Anchovies from the pilot epsiode of Spongebob Squarepants. This is because Hmong teenagers, especially in High School, Hang out together in their own tin can, and Flock everywhere together, whether it be to the cafeteria for their free lunch, or to the school bus. They also have a tendency to try to emulate other cultures, because they dont have one of their own in the U.S., Yet they try to state they are "AZN", which is just their attempt to ride on the coattails of the "Coolness of association of anything related to Japanese."
Fuck that crowd of anchovies nearly destroyed the lunch trays, as they bumrush hastily to get their damn free pizza.
A small fish that smells like a finger
Jimmy saves the cost of anchovy toppings by diddling his sister just before eating his pizza
“Anchovies’ is a euphemism for “normies”, aka people who have little on their mind but consuming, spawning, and the American way. The term originated from an episode of Spongebob Squarepants. Anchovies are good little cogs in the wheel, working the daily grind as expected and engaging in societally approved recreation in their off time: watching sports/ playing Fantasy Football, going to the gym, shopping for loafers, and building their normal lives. They all want to take vacations at Disney World Resort.
Anchovies have no real idea of what is actually going on in the world, nor bother to care. Typically they are not engaged in local issues as well. They easily trust that corporations genuinely have their best interests at heart over profit. They never critically examine the system they were spawned in.
Anchovies feel fear towards ideas and art that challenge their way of life. They also fear things that would put the burden on them to act for an ethical cause, unless it is something mundane like enforcing an HOA, which fills them with a great sense of drunken power.
Things that anchovies love attributing to their identities: Supporting the police/military, Marvel movies/Disney/ Star Wars, sports teams, their model of car, their dogs, etc.
Anchovies have no real idea of what is actually going on in the world, nor bother to care. Typically they are not engaged in local issues as well. They easily trust that corporations genuinely have their best interests at heart over profit. They never critically examine the system they were spawned in.
Anchovies feel fear towards ideas and art that challenge their way of life. They also fear things that would put the burden on them to act for an ethical cause, unless it is something mundane like enforcing an HOA, which fills them with a great sense of drunken power.
Things that anchovies love attributing to their identities: Supporting the police/military, Marvel movies/Disney/ Star Wars, sports teams, their model of car, their dogs, etc.
oh no, it’s 3pm on a Saturday and the brew pub is filling up with anchovies and their spawn
i hate going to malls and shopping outlets; it’s nothing but anchovies there
those anchovies keep looking at me like I’m going to stab them; I’m just wearing my favorite pentagram hoodie.
i hate going to malls and shopping outlets; it’s nothing but anchovies there
those anchovies keep looking at me like I’m going to stab them; I’m just wearing my favorite pentagram hoodie.
smells like a turd mixed with a piece of fish
what grants dick smells like after sex