Gehaktbal02 is the natural predator of WoWgoldenfish9. whenever he sees Golden or the mere mention of him his anger level jump to heights previously unrecorded. he has anger issue's that are no even comparable to even the anger exerted by other beings. even the calmest interactions with him are filled to the brim with anger. while he gets along fine with other member's, any interaction with WoWgoldenfish9 is impossible. Researchers are still trying to find the cause of his anger but evidence concludes its caused by a severe lack of bitches.
someone: "10 is my favorite number"
gehaktbal02: "10 just like the age of golden's gf"
WoWgoldenfish9: "..."
gehaktbal02: "10 just like the age of golden's gf"
WoWgoldenfish9: "..."