

俚语 genopoliticism


Genopoliticism is an ideology based on genopolitics, genopoliticism advocates that political positions and political views are a biological issue and political debates and arguings with oppositors and with other sides are waste of time since its all genetic and biological. Genopoliticism also advocates the best way to slove all political issues is people getting united and start discussing about the most important issues about Earth, such as climate change, poverty, social inequality, gender inequality, racism, xenophobia, speciesism etc. Having two main currents inside genopoliticism, moderate genopoliticism that is about seek for agreement of all sides into a good solution and radical genopolitics that is about slove those issues on radical ways, even using biosocialism, bioccollectivism, bioequalism and even biomarxism for slove those issues.
"Genopoliticism shows how it is waste of time arguing/debating about politics on internet, it also explains about how can things like debaterism appear in politics."

"I support genopoliticism because I realized it is literally impossible to argue about politics with conservatives and with marxist-leninists, so genopoliticism makes sense on those cases."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:53:38