

俚语 george w.bush

George W. Bush

War criminal and worst President in the history of the United States. Bush did not win his first run for President, but was handed the Presidency by the Supreme Court (in the worst decision they ever made). Bush started a war based on lies, destroyed the economy, allowed corporations to destroy the environment and exploit the middle class and working poor, attempted to pass viciously homophobic laws, attacked women's rights, and ruined the reputation of the United States. He is hated all over the world. When his reign of terror ended the world celebrated.
George W. Bush used homophobia and fear to convince stupid people to vote for him.

George W. Bush

Satan's Greatest creation.
George W. Bush is the Antichrist

George W. Bush

The idiot who sent us to war that made the world hate us, when we had the chance to be given compassion after 9/11.

Hopefully will burn in hell, and everyone in the future will look upon him in disgust, along with Hitler.
George W. Bush: "They misunderestimated me."

George W. Bush

1 - Proof that some village in Texas is missing its idiot

2 - The reason I wonder just how competent the schooling system is (If they passed this guy...)

3 - An unitelligent chimp/example of sub-human intelligence who got elected because his brother fudged up the votes in Florida

4 - Someone who will hopefully be charged with war crimes/violating the Constitution when our 44th president enters office less than a day from now
Court Official: *holds out bible* do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

George W. Bush: *puts hand on bible* Yes.

Court Official: Is it true that your started the Iraq war?

Bush: uuuuh...no.

George W. Bush

The biggest fuck nut, moron, retarded, gay, git, prick, ass wipe, dick head, racist, arse hole that has ever walked the face of the earth which ironically is the President of America.
My daddy always said that the day shit falls from the sky is the day George W. Bush gets smarter.

George W. Bush

Someone worse than Hitler.
George W. Bush once bombed LegoLand for not make a George W. Bush minifigure.

George W. Bush

#1: The worst thing to touch american soil ever, looked upon as a unpleasant mess on someone's shoe by the International Communitiy. also, its kinda funny how he "justifies" all his crazy anti- arab bullshit with the bible, which he blindly follows, which coincedintialy, happens in the middle east, which he hates.
2: Alternate definition for Asshole.
Dude number 1: dude! George W. Bush is back in office!
Dude number 2: No! do you think the world could take that disgusting mix of Hitler/Stalin/Napoleon/Satan for 4 more years?
Dude Number 1: No, we're all soon to die.
Dude number 2: Yeah, this is revalation.




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