

俚语 get ducked

Get Ducked

To avoid someone who is being a fuck boi
Tammy -Im not in the mood

Joe- get ducked

Getting Duck

The act of Drinking until your ducked
"yo man are getting fucked yet?"
"nah, I'm getting ducked"

Get A Duck To Do It

A response to a request to do something which you cannot be bothered to do, coined by welsh comedian Rhod Gilbert
a) do the dishes please
b) no, get a duck to do it

Get my ducks in a row

Complete one's preparations, become efficient and well organised. This synonym for get one's act together probably alludes to lining up target ducks in a shooting gallery. Slang; 1970s
I'm trying to get my ducks in a row before I go to Munich.

get your ducks in a row

Get organized
If you don't get your ducks in a row, you won't get the project done.

Get my ducks in a row

Complete one's preparations, become efficient and well organised. This synonym for get one's act together probably alludes to lining up target ducks in a shooting gallery. Slang; 1970s
I'm trying to get my ducks in a row before I go to Munich.

Get all your ducks in a row

IT's a term used to tell someone to get everything lined up first so its simpler to do know mate what the task.
Tim - its never gana werk ! Henry - why not ? Tim - because you didnt get all your ducks in a row.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:12:58