

俚语 get gamed on

get gamed on

you say this when you absolutely devastate one of your homeslice brodudes
Guy: Bro why did you do that that was so uncool
Dude: get gamed on

Get Gamed

when someone fails horribly, and a close friend achieves greatly.
I: YO BRO, you just took crapped all over that test!!!
Friend: i know, i know...-.-
I: Get Gamed son

get gamed

To get pranked or screwed over
Ha you fell for that??! Get gamed bro?

get your game on

The catchphrase of Jaden/Judai Yuki of Yugioh GX. It's much better than the other protagonist's catchphrases
Chazz: I challenge you to a duel, Jaden!

Jaden: Alright, Get your game on!

get my game on

1) To prepare oneself, mentally physically and spiritually for the rigurous pursuit of board gaming

2) The prelude to bi-winning

3) Personal grooming before an important event
"What's that? Monopoly night? I'm gonna have to get my game on!"

"Oi, steve can barely smell ya!"
"Ye man, 'm gettin my game on for tonight"

get good gaming

That youtube channel of four guys and some guests from related channels. They somehow make a living by playing games. In the process, they try to act ok even though they are not ok.
The boys are back in Get Good Gaming.

Get your game wet

An imperative sentence demanding that the reciever "gets some" of whatever it may that you think is fun such as getting drunk or hooking up with a female.
John: I really would like that girl to blow me.
Mike: Well get your game wet!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:37:11