

俚语 get it in and run

get it in and run

The act of leaving shortly after having sex.
Jane: Well, I have a long day tomorrow. I really have to get going.

Andre: Get it in and run, huh? I should have known!

get something up and running

to finally start something

get a run

The action of going to the liquor store to buy alcohol.
1: "Hey man could you get a run for me?"
2: "Sure dude, what do you want from the packy?"

get on the bus or get run over

it means you you either get your shit together and be a team player or get mashed by the team and fall by the waist side.
she is such an attention whore she doesn't realize she is a detriment to the group and guess what? the group is not feeling that ..

so ,she better get on the bus or get run over.

I'm getting the running

a popular response in tweet form to a selfie with deer
it is a sentence you idiot "I'm getting the running"

can you get me a run

How someone below the legal drinking age would ask an older person to buy them alcohol. Slang.

Came from saying “can you run to the liquor store for me”
Hey big bro, can you get me a run for this weekend?




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