

俚语 get my drink on

Get My Drink On

Black slang for getting intoxicated.
Weezy: Hey Laquifa, whazzup ?
Laquifa: Ize justa waiting for Jamaal to step in. Soonze he get heah, Ize gonna fix him up a turkey pot pie !
Weezy: Youze got plans afta dat ?
Laquifa: Yeeah, Ize gonna head on up to Lamonts' crib. You wonna come?
Weezy: Whatyu gonna be doin' at Lamont's?
Laquifa: Ize gonna get my drink on ! Innerested ?
Weezy: I'll chek wit Rolando..mabbe he wanna come !
Laquifa: Vright !

get my green drink on

Similar to "getting my drink on," but instead of alcohol it's a "green drink"—like a superfood drink made with spirulina, kale, chlorella, or wheatgrass.
Friday night: get my drink on. Saturday morning: get my green drink on.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:01:46