

俚语 get off my lawn

get off my lawn

A tagline added to posts that reveal the author's age, which is higher than he/she would otherwise care to admit. It plays on the cliché of the elderly yelling at kids who trespass on their lawns.
"You've got it easy with broadband. When I got my first AOL account, I had a 14.4K modem that I paid $150 for. Now get off my lawn! :-)"

get off my lawn

saying refering for someone to get out of your business
man: so katie dumped you for man #3 because you didn't give her enough love?
man #2 yo bitch get off my lawn!

get off my lawn

also see hillbilly something that i said that made my teacher laugh so hard in social studies that milk came outta his nose
GET off my lawn bitch!!!!!!!!1

get off my lawn

a general statement
it means whatever you wish it to mean
Yes, yes even cheese is good.
Get off my lawn!

Get Off MY Lawn

(1)-Interjection- For an old person to yell, bicker, and bitch at you to get off his piss-yellow lawn.
"Hey you rascals! Get the fuck off my lawn!!!"

Get off my lawn

The way a grumpy old man greets small children playing soccer while he's sitting in a rocking chair.
Children: Sir? Can we have our ball back?
Grumpy old man: GET OFF MY LAWN!!!11ONEONE!!1!!!!1

Get off my lawn

slang expression: get off my back; leave me alone; go away
"Is that project that's due tomorrow finished yet?"
"I'm working on it now, get off my lawn."




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更新时间:2024/9/19 16:53:38